The growth of a fire confined to a room is usually constrained by the ventilation-limited flow of air, smoke, and hot gases into and out of the enclosure. Confining variables may include the ceiling height, ventilation openings formed by windows and doors, room volume, and location of the fire in the room or compartment. While the fire gases are constrained, flashover may occur as a consequence of the heat release rate of the combustible materials contained within the room. 局限在室內的火災,其發展通常受到有限空氣流動、煙氣和進出房間熱氣流的影響。限制變量包括:頂棚高度、門窗構成的通風開口、房間體積、房間或隔間內的起火位置。如果火災煙氣被限制在房間內,就有可能因為室內可燃物燃燒產生的熱釋放速率達到某個值而發生轟燃。 1 Minimum Heat Release Rate for Flashover 發生轟燃的最小熱釋放速率 In the growth of a compartment (room) fire, flashover is defined by NFPA 921 (2017d) as the transition phase in the development of a compartment fire in which surfaces exposed to thermal radiation reach ignition temperature more or less simultaneously, and fire spreads rapidly throughout the space, resulting in full room involvement, or total involvement, of the compartment or enclosed space. This transition may occur in just a few seconds in small, heavily fueled rooms, or over a period of minutes in large rooms, or may not take place at all due to an insufficient heat release rate of the fire. A useful reference on this subject is NFPA 555: Guide on Methods for Evaluating Potential for Room Flashover (NFPA 2017d). 在室內火災發展過程中,NFPA 921(2017版)將轟燃定義為在室內火災發展中,房間內物體表面受到熱輻射作用,所有可燃物幾乎同時達到著火溫度,火勢快速蔓延至整個房間,造成整個房間發生燃燒或全面燃燒的過渡階段。這種過渡階段在體積小、可燃物多的房間里可能只需幾秒,對于較大房間,則需經過幾分鐘,或者因為火災的熱釋放速率過低,根本就不會發生。關于這個問題,《NFPA 555:室內轟燃評估方法指南》(NFPA 2017版)中提供了參考。 Fire researchers have documented other observations during this transition phase. Defining observations often include one or more of the following criteria that address the effects of flashover: ignition of floor targets, high heat flux (>20 kW/m2) to the floor, and flame extension out of the compartment’s vents (Babrauskas, Peacock, and Reneke 2003; Milke and Mowrer 2001; Peacock et al. 1999). 火災調查員還記錄了在該過渡階段觀察到的其他現象。典型的現象包含下列一個或多個表征轟燃影響效果的標準:地面可燃物被引燃、地面接受到高的熱通量(>20kW/m2),火焰從通風開口處竄出。 The investigator may observe the following during flashover: 調查人員在轟燃過程中可能會觀察到以下現象: Flames are emitted from openings in the compartment. 火焰從房間通風口處竄出。 Upper-layer gas temperature rises to ≥ 600℃. 上層氣體溫度達到600℃及以上。 Heat flux at floor level reaches ≥ 20 kW/m2 地面受到的熱通量達到20kW/m2以上。 Oxygen level in upper portions of the room decreases to approximately 0 to 5 percent. 房間上部的氧氣含量下降到0~5%左右。 There is a small, short-term pressure rise of approximately 25 Pa (0.0036 psi). 存在短暫小幅度的壓力升高,約25Pa(0.0036psi)。 There are two fundamental definitions for the occurrence of flashover. The first looks at flashover as a thermal balance in which critical conditions are produced when the compartment exceeds its ability to lose heat. The second definition views the compartment as being in a mechanical fluid-filling process. In this approach, the point at which the compartment’s cool air layer is replaced with hot fire gases is flashover. 對轟燃的發生有兩個基本定義。第一個是將轟燃視為熱平衡,當房間內部產生的熱量超過其散熱能力時,會達到轟燃發生的臨界條件。第二個定義是認為房間處于流體充填的機械過程中,在這一定義中,室內冷空氣被火災熱煙氣取代的點就是轟燃的發生。 1 Importance of Recognizing Flashover in Room Fires 判斷室內火災中是否發生轟燃的重要性 Those who examine a fire scene after extinguishment or burnout should be aware of the importance of recognizing whether flashover did actually occur and the impact it may have had on the burning of a room’s contents. 火災調查員在滅火或可燃物燒盡后進入現場時,應該意識到是否發生轟燃以及轟燃對房間內物品燃燒造成的影響的重要性。 Post-flashover burning in a room produces numerous effects that were once thought to be produced only by accelerated arson fires involving flammable liquids such as gasoline. A fireball of burning gasoline vapors can sometimes produce floor-to-ceiling damage. The brief duration of such fires will result in shallow penetration. No matter how the fire began, walls scorched or charred from floor to ceiling can be due to post-flashover burning as well as from a fireball of burning gasoline vapors. 房間發生轟燃后燃燒產生的許多痕跡,曾被人們認為是只有汽油等易燃液體作為助燃劑實施放火時才會出現的。汽油蒸氣燃燒形成的火球有時會造成從地板到頂棚的整體性破壞。這種火災持續時間較短,形成淺層燒灼。無論火災是如何引發的,轟燃后的燃燒和汽油蒸氣燃燒的火球一樣,都會使地板到頂棚的墻體燒焦炭化。 Fire damage under tables and chairs, once thought to be the result of the burning of flammable liquids at floor level, can be produced by the flaming combustion of the carpet and pad as they ignite during flashover. High temperatures and total room involvement, at one time thought to be linked to flammable liquid accelerants, are produced during post-flashover burning without accelerants. The extremely high heat fluxes produced in post-flashover fires can char wood or burn away other material at rates up to 10 times the rate at lower heat fluxes (Babrauskas 2005; Butler 1971). 過去曾認為桌椅下方的火災破壞是由地面易燃液體燃燒造成的,但事實上轟燃時被引燃的地毯和墊子的有焰燃燒也會造成這類破壞。高溫和整個房間參與燃燒,曾被認為與使用易燃液體助燃劑有關,但事實上轟燃過程中即使沒有助燃劑參與也會產生這兩種現象。轟燃后所產生的極高熱通量,會于低熱通量條件下的木材炭化速率和其他物質燃燒速率造成10倍 Prolonged post-flashover burning can make the reconstruction of the fire very difficult as post-flashover or full room involvement fires typically ignite all exposed fuel surfaces from floor to ceiling. Localized patterns of smoke and fire damage that can help locate fuel packages, characterize their flame heights, and reveal the direction of flame spread can be destroyed. Some larger rooms sometimes exhibit progressive flashover, with floor-to-ceiling ignition at one end and undamaged floor covering at the other. Brief exposure (less than five minutes) to post-flashover fires does not necessarily compromise fire patterns on walls (see Hopkins, Gorbett, and Kennedy 2007). 轟燃后的燃燒時間越長,火災重建工作的難度就越大,因為轟燃后或全面發展階段的一個特征就是房間內從地板到頂棚所有暴露的可燃物表面都被引燃著火。因此煙氣和火災破壞形成的局部痕跡會被銷毀,而這些痕跡的存在能夠幫助調查人員認定可燃物位置、確定火焰高度以及判斷火勢蔓延方向。在某些較大房間里,有時會出現逐步發展的轟燃——房間一端從地板到頂棚全部發生燃燒,而另一端的地板卻保持完好。短時間(15min以下)暴露于轟燃后的火災,墻壁上的火災痕跡并不一定會被破壞(見Hopkins,Gorbett和Kennedy 2007)。 In pre-flashover burning, the most intense thermal damage will be in areas immediately around or above burning fuel packages. the higher temperatures of the hot gas layer will produce more thermal damage in the upper half or upper third of the room. In post-flashover fires, all fuels are involved, the fires may become ventilation limited, and the most efficient (highest temperature) combustion occurs in turbulent mixing around the ventilation openings, where the oxygen supply is greatest. Oxygen-depleted burning occurs in many post-flashover rooms where the available fuel exceeds the air supply. 在轟燃前的火災中,熱破壞最嚴重的位置位于燃燒可燃物周圍或正上方。熱煙氣層溫度越高,對房間上部二分之一或三分之一部分造成的熱破壞就越為嚴重。轟燃發生后,所有可燃物參與燃燒,火災變為通風控制型,效率最高的燃燒(溫度最高)發生在通風口附近的湍流混合區,此處氧氣供應最為充足。許多轟燃后的室內火災,可燃物超過空氣的供應量,進而發生缺氧燃燒。 Interviews of first-in firefighters may reveal whether a room was fully involved, floor to ceiling, when entry was first made. Investigators must be aware of the conditions that can lead to flashover and how to recognize whether it has occurred. A thorough understanding of heat release rates and fire spread characteristics of modern furniture and the dynamics of flashover will be of great assistance (Babrauskas and Peacock 1992). 通過詢問第一個進入現場的消防員,可以了解進入房間時,是否發生了從地板到頂棚的全室性燃燒。調查人員必須熟知轟燃發生的條件,并且能夠辨認是否發生過轟燃。全面理解現代家具火災蔓延、熱釋放速率以及轟燃動力學的特征,對于火災調查工作大有幫助(Babrauskas 和Peacock 1992)。