

中國風電新聞網訊:9月3日,位于巴西東北部Omega Energia公司的 Delta 6 風電場發生一起風電機組倒塔事故,事故機型為GE 2.72-116,目前GE已經對事故發生的原因展開調查。






據了解,Delta 6 風電場項目于2018年投入運行,本次事故機型為GE 2.72-116,這也是GE今年發生的第五起類似事故。


據外媒(Rechargenews)報道,近日位于巴西伯南布哥州東北部某風電場發生一起風電機組倒塔事故,該風場總裝機216MW,事故機型為GE 1.7MW-103機組,這是GE過去5個月在美洲發生的第四起此類事故。








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GE turbine collapses in Brazil, the fourth in the Americas this year


A 1.7MW GE turbine has collapsed at a wind farm in Brazil, the fourth such incident for the US manufacturer in the Americas in the past five months.


The collapse at the 216MW Ventos de São Clemente wind complex in the northeastern state of Pernambuco, which has been confirmed by GE, comes as the OEM probes three recent turbine collapses in the US — in February, May and July — and after a leading renewables insurer has raised concerns about the possibility of a pattern emerging.


Those three incidents were said to be unrelated, according to the manufacturer.


GE said it has already sent a team of experts to work with the project developer, Echoenergia — which is owned by British venture capital fund Actis — to determine the "root cause" of the accident. The destroyed turbine, a 1.7-103 model, was almost certainly built at the company's factory in Sâo Paulo state.


Although accidents have been seen in Brazil in turbines manufactured by other OEMs, this is the first GE machine reported to have collapsed since the start of Brazil's wind power industry about a decade ago.


A journalist at Caetés News, a local online news service, told Recharge that a blade fell off the turbine during strong winds at around 10.30am on Sunday, which caused the machine to lose stability and then crash to the ground. Wind speeds reportedly topped 100km/h (27m/s) on Sunday — far higher than the usual 8-12m/s winds in the region.


Brazil's 15GW-plus wind industry has seen very few accidents, partly because the majority of the country’s 7,000 turbines are less than ten years old.


Recent accidents have included fires in old Suzlon machines, due to bad maintenance, and the collapse of eight Impsa turbines in southern Brazil.


GE has the biggest wind turbine fleet in Brazil, with more than 3,000 machines, after acquiring French turbine maker Alstom in 2015.